Meet the Team: Introducing Diyana Kornovska, Marketing Manager

Diyana, the Growth Marketing Manager at Resolute, drives business growth through data-driven strategies. She is passionate about innovation and works in dynamic environments.
What is your education?
I graduated from the Alliance Manchester Business School at the University of Manchester, earning a Bachelor’s degree in International Management and a Master’s degree in Marketing. As part of my International management program, I spent an enriching year at Bocconi University in Milan through the Erasmus program. Those five years taught me not just the fundamentals of my education program but also invaluable life lessons in resilience, discipline, motivation, ambition, and self-fulfillment.
What was your first job?
My first job was as an Account manager at an affiliate marketing firm, but I quickly transitioned to a role with one of the leading consumer electronics companies, where I spent three years. This period was pivotal for my career, as it allowed me to unfold my potential and discover my passion for data-driven strategies.
What is your role at Resolute, and what does your job entail?
I’m the Growth Marketing Manager at Resolute Software, where I focus on securing new business and ensuring company growth through data-driven strategies, research, and experimentation. In my role, I analyze the performance of marketing strategies and campaigns, identify the right channels, and leverage customer feedback and industry signals to refine our offerings. What sets Resolute apart is our collaborative culture. Marketing, sales, and business development work seamlessly together, breaking down silos and fostering innovation.

How would you explain your job to a 5-year-old? And how would you describe it to your grandmother?
For a five-year-old, I might simplify it as: “Imagine you tell your mom you’re bored and want to make new friends. She needs to figure out where to take you—maybe a sports club, an amusement park, or an art class—so you can meet new kids and make friends. Well, I do something similar for our company. I help it find new "friends" (clients) by figuring out the best places to meet them and the best ways to show them how awesome we are!
For my grandma: “I help our company grow by finding people who need our help and showing them how we can solve their technological problems”.
What do you find most inspiring and exciting about your work?
What I love most about my job is its dynamic nature—no two days are the same. I’m constantly learning, facing new challenges, and exploring opportunities to innovate. Even more fulfilling is the freedom and entrepreneurial spirit at Resolute. Everyone’s voice is heard, and experimentation is encouraged. This open environment fosters creativity and growth, both professionally and personally.
In contrast, I’ve experienced workplaces where fear stifles innovation and motivation. Resolute’s culture of transparency and collaboration ensures that we continuously improve and adapt, driving efficiency and innovation.
What is the biggest challenge of being a woman in an IT company?
In my experience, being a woman in IT hasn’t presented significant challenges, especially at Resolute, where everyone is valued based on their capabilities, character, and contributions to the culture. It’s 2025, and we should be moving past outdated prejudices. That said, the bigger challenge lies in how marketing is often misunderstood across industries, including IT. There’s a stereotype that marketing teams are mere spenders who don’t contribute to tangible outcomes like profitability and growth. Overcoming this misconception requires a cultural shift within organizations to recognize marketing’s strategic role in driving business success.
How do you enjoy spending your free time?
I'm a social and active person. I love to spend time with friends and family, going out, and traveling. To unwind, I turn to kickboxing, which clears my mind and helps me stay focused. I also enjoy watching football—which I guess is funny – a woman with "male" interests in a "male" industry.